Jubilee House Featured in Westcoast Homes & Design

By Anne McMullin
Buying or renting an apartment in an award-winning building may not be high on the priority list for home-seekers in Metro Vancouver. Cost, number of bedrooms, baths and neighbourhood usually top the house-hunting list.

However, the home builders, our industry, take great pride in being recognized with awards by their peers for everything from best Multi- Family Market Rental, to Urban High-Rise Residential and Non-Market (Social) Housing.

Yes, our members build many social-housing units, from low-income housing to the co-op, single-room occupancy, student and seniors’ residences you find across our province. For example, the last social-housing-award winner, New Jubilee House, constructed by Brenhill Developments, features vibrant colours, a rooftop garden and computer room—downtown living with a difference for its 162 low-income residents and seniors. That project also received $30.6 million in funding from developer fees paid to the city, called Community Amenity Contributions.

Our developers don’t take out full-page newspaper ads to promote their social housing achievements. Instead, these builders take quiet enjoyment of these community legacies, built and designed in partnership with governments and non-profit sectors.